The Frances Paul Salver

Frances was an original member of Eastwood Entertainers who performed on stage, directed and did set design for many shows and plays. She won numerous awards for set design for stagecraft. She was a true all-rounder!

Sadly she died early, and her husband donated the salver to be presented annually to a member of the club who went above and beyond to help the club that year.

Cameron Constable receiving the Salver for 22/23

Sticking with family traditions, Cameron joined Eastwood Entertainers in 2021. He has since became a well known member within the club for his enthusiasm and energetic outlook on life. Cameron has worked tirelessly on our social media platforms building us a modern audience with eye catching posts and reels.

Cameron is always coming up with new ideas and supporting the club off his own back, all without even being a committee member!

Thank you Cameron, well deserved!

Stuart joined Eastwood Entertainers in 2018, following on from Busby Drama Group where he has been a member since he was 12.

Stuart joined the committee in 2020 as Treasurer and has been a valued member of EE since for his efforts on creative artwork, advertising, programme design, ticket secretary, website design, setting the club up with digital payments and over all be more streamlined in this modern world!

He does all of the above voluntarily and is self taught in most aspects. If there is something needing done, or a question needing answered - Stuart is the go to person!

A deserving recipient of the Francis Paul Salver in 2022.

Stuart Mackay receiving the Salver for 21/22